Thursday, April 25, 2019

Beebeecraft Guides on make your own Silicone bracelet with easy steps

Summary: When asked what is the most trendy jewelry ornaments around the wrist, that must be the stylish Silicone bracelet. All of the men, women and even kids are going crazy over it and now it is the time to make your own Silicone bracelet!
Does your inner heart is crying out for the showcase of statement? Here, the chances are the bright, colorful and comfortable Silicone bracelet. Though it has been in fashion for decades, it feels like that it just become popular overnight and will famous forever. Though it can be easily found in the stores, try making your own Silicone bracelet is a surefire way to express your desires fully. Thus, just follow the article and start one if you would like to!

How to make your own Silicone bracelet:
Step1: prepare a blank bracelet
Order a blank bracelet and cut open it. Choose a pure color one may be a little smart.
Step2: gather the needed metal findings for Silicone bracelet
According to the width of blank bracelet you choose, gather the necessary metal findings for your bracelet.
Step3: string on the metal findings as picture show
String the well-prepared findings one by one.
Step4: attach on the clasp
In the end, add on the assorted clasps on both ends of your Silicone bracelet.
Got your Silicone bracelet now? Dose it merely a strand of bracelet now? No! It looks like a personalized watch rather than an ordinary bracelet now. Wanna make your own Silicone bracelet into more other unique types, try more bold match ways you never though before.

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