Thursday, July 11, 2019

Beebeecraft Tutorials on How to Make an Orange Square Knot Friendship Bracelet with Blue Acrylic Beads

Square knot is one of the easiest knots in jewelry making. This tutorial is about how to make an easy square knot friendship bracelet with blue acrylic beads.

If you are familiar with square knot technique, it is a piece of cake for you to make this orange square knot friendship bracelet. Today I chose orange wax cords and blue acrylic beads to make it, and you can use alternative colors to begin with.

Craft supplies for jewelry making the square knot friendship bracelet:
Black  Clasp

Instructions on making the orange square knot bracelet with blue acrylic beads:

Step 1: Braid the starting cord

1st, cut 7 pieces of 90cm orange wax threads and and tie a basic overhand knot;
2nd, take 3 threads on the left and tie a square knot as shown in the picture;
3rd, tie 2 more square knots and have a stop.

Step 2: Add blue acrylic beads

1st, thread a blue acrylic bead to the 4th wax, and then braid 3 square knots with the 3 threads on the right;

2nd, tie square knots with the 3rd and 5th thread in the picture, making the thread with blue acrylic bead the axis;
3rd, thread a blue bead to the 2nd wax cord, and braid another 3 square knots. Do the same thing as for the rest 3 cords on the right;
4th, repeat the whole braiding pattern and until you have made a proper length.

Step 3: Braid the ending cord

1st, tie a square knot with the 3 wax cords in the middle for both ends of the bracelet;
2nd, tie another square knot with 2 cords at both sides, making 3 cords as axis and trim off the extra cords at besides with lighter.

Step 4: Make a sliding knots

Cut a piece of short orange wax cord (about 15cm) and tie a overhand knot firstly and then tie 4 square knots.

Step 5: Add colorful acrylic beads dangles

1st, choose 6 colorful acrylic beads as you like, and then thread every bead through each wax cord one by one;
2nd, tie overhand knots at each end of the wax cord and trim off.

Show you the final look of the orange square knot friendship bracelet with blue acrylic beads on my wrist! Its simply delightful to wear it!

I hope my article would be helpful for those who are seeking for square knot bracelet instructions. There are many patterns for square knot bracelet with beads and main is an easy one, making it suitable for beginners to follow. Have a great try!

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